How to convert .csv, .tsv textfile data in to excel

Most of the time, dataset available on internet is in text file. This text file might have extension as .csv stands for Comma Separated Values or .tsv stands for Tab Separated Values. To process this data in efficient manner we may want to store this data in excel. So here are steps to convert your text file to excel.

Step 1 : Open empty excel book and visit 'data tab' of book and click on 'From Text' option from it.

Opening excel to import .csv, .tsv data
Opening empty excel book and selecting data, From Text

Step 2 : Select the file from appropriate location and click on 'Import button'.

importing .csv, tsv files to excel
Importing File
Step 3 : Now select Delimited option to indicate values in text file are delimited by character such as white spaces or commas and click on Next button

values separated by comma, tab
Indicating values are delimited by characters
Step 4 : Now select exact separator for like tab, semicolon, comma, space. In our case we have to select comma.
values separated by comman
Indicating exact separator of values

Step 5 : You can select datatype for each column. By default it is general. You can change it as per your requirement. Then select Finish button.
Finishing importing csv tsv file data
Specifying data type for each column

Step 6 : You will get comma separated values in excel book.

imported data from .csv to excel
Data in excel
