How to create simple Web Page with example

Web page is document accessible from Internet or intranet through a specialized software called as browser on network connected devices like personal computer or cellphones. Web pages are generally written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Markup means tagging the contents. To tag the contents HTML uses its own tags/elements. For example, if we want to create first line in document as heading, that line may tagged as H1 deliminator by < and > so tag will become as <H1>.  Web pages hold data in skeleton of tags.

To write HTML code we need editor. We can use simple notepad (On windows) or specialized editor like brackets (Open Source Editor which understand web designing). In editor we have use tags given by HTML. The structure of HTML will look as follows.

               <TITLE>My First Web Page</TITLE>
               Welcome to my first page

HTML page starts with <!DOCTYPE HTML> instruction to browser. <!DOCTYPE> specifies type of document browser is getting. <!DOCTYPE> must be first element of HTML page and there must be only one <!DOCTYP> per document. Then <HTML> tag to hold actual webpage contents. <HTML> tag holds all data and other tags. Every tag must have matching end tag. For <HTML> tag we have end matching tag as </HTML>. In between these two tag we have used-
<HEAD> For documentation section
<TITLE> Contains in <TITLE> will appear on title bar of browser
<BODY> Contains actual data that will be displayed on browser.

After writing this code in Notepad or Bracket save file with .html extension. For example valid name of file might be test.html and open the page on browser. You will get Welcome to my first web page on browser.

