How to check availability of cash at nearby ATM (Automated Teller Machine) online in India

Yes, now you can check whether cash is available at nearby ATM or not very easily in India. For that you just have to know postal pin code of location where you want to check availability of cash. It is also helpful to identify which ATMs are available at your location. For that you have to just visit this site.
Just follow following steps to identify availability of cash and nearby ATM 
1. After visiting the website just put six digit postal pin code of the place in search box as shown below

2. Then you will get a list of all nearby ATM with status of cash like CASH, NO CASH and WAIT as shown below.
Cash Status
3. You can also help other people if you know availability of cash by clicking on update status. This allows us to change the status from its original to new.
How to display html, java, C# program on HTML pages, blogs and wordpress sites

How to display html, java, C# program on HTML pages, blogs and wordpress sites

Sometime we want to show html code or a program written in java, C#  on html page in website, blog post. This code should be easily readable and understandable. While showing this code it should be elegant so that reader should attract towards code. This can be done using simple following steps.
1. Copy following script just before </head> in HTML page 
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> 
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
<script language='javascript'> 
SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;
SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = &#39;;;
2. Now copy your program that you want to display to reader and pest it in encoder box provided on here
3. After that site will provide you encoded result. Just copy the code and pest in html page in
<pre class="brush : csharp">Your Encoded Program Pest Here</pre>
4. Save the html page and get the result by executing it.

How to create e-mail signature with social icons, pictures and video links to grow business

E-mail is most widely used communication channel in official and professional world. Through mail we can send and receive  messages, files, pictures to a person in other part of globe withing a fraction. One of the integral part of e-mail is  e-mail signature. If this e-mail signature is attractive, then reader becomes attentive towards your mail. Along with this it also distinguishes your mail from others similar mails. Another one of the major advantage of e-mail signature is you can advertise your business to many people.
The e-mail signature ideally should have Name, Designation, Address, and Contact Number. Along with this you can also add Photograph, Social Links, Youtube channel links etc in your e-mail signature. With following site you can create beautiful e-mail signatures.
Wisestamp :
Wisestamp is one of the best sites available to create e-mail signature. It allows us to create free e-mail business signatures. You can also register on the site and get premium account to get PRO template. In four simple stages you can create your own attractive free e-mail signature as follows.
 1. Place your basic information consisting of your name, title, compony, phone number, mobile, website, address, and skype. However this information is optional. You can skip some of them. If you want, you can also add different fields not listed over there by clicking on add another.
2. In next step you can add your picture or company logo which will appear in selected template of e-mail signature.
3. You can add your social profiles to e-mail signature. You can add your Facebook, Linkdin, Twitter account. You can extend this social list by clicking on add another link.
4. Now rest of thinks are simple. You have to just select template that you like. After selection you can resize your photo, resize social media icon size, font size, border and color of template.
After filling all this information and modifying design as per your requirement click on 'Ok I'm Done'. Then browser comes with pop up window and asks to install Wisestamp-email signature for gmail extension. Click on add extension.
Now you can add this e-mail signature to your outgoing mail very easily through your gmail account. To change and update this e-mail signature or it's settings you can use extension through gmail account.

How to use whatsapp on Personal Computer / Laptop using QR code

Nowadays WhatsApp is one of the most popular applications used for communication in the world. Some of the main reasons why WhatsApp is popular are:
  • Easy to use due to the simple interface.
  • Send messages, documents, multimedia files instantly without any charge to any person in any part of the globe.
  • No advertise on it.
  • Contacts will be imported directly to indicate who is using WhatsApp, so no need to check it manually
  • Directly broadcasting the same message to many contacts.
  • Group communication

Furthermore, another reason for the popularity is, WhatsApp can be used on a laptop or personal computer. Sometimes we want to send long messages to our friends. But typing such long message contents on mobile is irritating. Also on a small screen of mobile, we can make mistakes while typing. So to avoid these problems we can use the laptop for sending messages through WhatsApp account. Whatsapp have launched the web WhatsApp. Web WhatsApp uses QR code to take your mobile WhatsApp account on a laptop. QR (Quick Response Code) is machine readable two-dimensional matrix barcode. By scanning the barcode with mobile we can take WhatsApp account on the laptop. 
Now let us see what is required to take our mobile WhasApp account on the laptop.
  • Installed WhatsApp on mobile with authenticated account as new account will be created with this process. But already created an account on mobile can be taken on the laptop.
  • Needs Internet connection on mobile and also on the laptop.

Steps to take mobile WhatsApp account on the laptop

Step 1 : Open your WhatsApp application on mobile then click on three dots appearing at the top right corner of the application and select WhatsApp web.

Use WhatsApp Web
Using Web WhatsApp

Step 2 : Open Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer's latest version on your laptop or personal computer and visit this site. After visiting you will get a rectangular barcode called as QR code on a screen of the laptop or personal computer.

Visit Web WhasApp
Visit web WhasApp 

Steps 3 : Now scan this QR code with mobile with screen received on mobile after a first step.

Scanning QR Code with a mobile
Scanning QR Code with a mobile

Step 4 : After scanning QR code with the mobile screen, the laptop will show your WhatsApp account on the laptop with contact on the left panel.

Getting WhasApp account on the laptop
Getting WhasApp account on the laptop

Step 5 : Now select the contact or group for sending and receiving messages. While communicating on WhasApp you will get the same message on mobile as well as on laptop as they are synchronized.
Selecting group or account for communication


How to create chat shortcut to speed up communication on whatsapp

Now days it is hard to identify any mobile without whatsapp. Resent survey showed that whatsapp is most popular chatting application in world. While using whatsapp we may be communicating with large number of persons and may be member of various groups. Now if we are frequently communicating with any person or in any group we can create shortcut on mobile desktop for immediate communication with that person or group. Here are steps to create shortcut to speed up communication on whatsapp 

Step 1 Tap and hold the name of person or group for which you want to create shortcut.

contact selection for whatsapp chatting shortcut

Step 2 Click on three doted points in top right corner and select 'Add chat shortcut'

Selecting Add Chat Shortcut
Selecting Add Chat Shortcut

Step 3 You will get person or group icon on home page. Touch on icon to communicate to person or group

short cut for whatsapp chatting
Created Shortcut on Home Page

How to create two authenticated whatsapp, twitter, hike accounts on single mobile through app

Yes, we can create multiple whatsapp, twitter, hike accounts on single mobile. There are various application allow us to create multiple accounts. One of them is Parallel Space. Using Parallel Space we can manage two accounts simultaneously on mobile. Steps to use parallel space for multiple accounts.

Step 1 : Install Parallel Space on mobile from here.
Step 2 : After installing parallel space application on your mobile, open it and click on '+' sign

Parallel Space for creating multiple authenticated accounts
Parallel Space App Screen for creating multiple authenticated Accounts

Step 3 : Now from listed applications select an application for which you want two accounts on mobile. 
Application Selection for Multiple Accounts in Parallel Space
Application Selection for Multiple Accounts in Parallel Space

Step 4 : Now follow the procedure to create an account for that application
Step 5 : After following procedure to create an account, you can run application from parallel space application by clicking on respective app on parallel space screen.
Step 6 : Now enjoy both authenticated accounts on your single mobile.
Multiple Account on Single Mobile through Parallel Space
Multiple Account on Single Mobile through Parallel Space

How to convert .csv, .tsv textfile data in to excel

Most of the time, dataset available on internet is in text file. This text file might have extension as .csv stands for Comma Separated Values or .tsv stands for Tab Separated Values. To process this data in efficient manner we may want to store this data in excel. So here are steps to convert your text file to excel.

Step 1 : Open empty excel book and visit 'data tab' of book and click on 'From Text' option from it.

Opening excel to import .csv, .tsv data
Opening empty excel book and selecting data, From Text

Step 2 : Select the file from appropriate location and click on 'Import button'.

importing .csv, tsv files to excel
Importing File
Step 3 : Now select Delimited option to indicate values in text file are delimited by character such as white spaces or commas and click on Next button

values separated by comma, tab
Indicating values are delimited by characters
Step 4 : Now select exact separator for like tab, semicolon, comma, space. In our case we have to select comma.
values separated by comman
Indicating exact separator of values

Step 5 : You can select datatype for each column. By default it is general. You can change it as per your requirement. Then select Finish button.
Finishing importing csv tsv file data
Specifying data type for each column

Step 6 : You will get comma separated values in excel book.

imported data from .csv to excel
Data in excel
How to create simple Web Page with example

How to create simple Web Page with example

Web page is document accessible from Internet or intranet through a specialized software called as browser on network connected devices like personal computer or cellphones. Web pages are generally written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Markup means tagging the contents. To tag the contents HTML uses its own tags/elements. For example, if we want to create first line in document as heading, that line may tagged as H1 deliminator by < and > so tag will become as <H1>.  Web pages hold data in skeleton of tags.

To write HTML code we need editor. We can use simple notepad (On windows) or specialized editor like brackets (Open Source Editor which understand web designing). In editor we have use tags given by HTML. The structure of HTML will look as follows.

               <TITLE>My First Web Page</TITLE>
               Welcome to my first page

HTML page starts with <!DOCTYPE HTML> instruction to browser. <!DOCTYPE> specifies type of document browser is getting. <!DOCTYPE> must be first element of HTML page and there must be only one <!DOCTYP> per document. Then <HTML> tag to hold actual webpage contents. <HTML> tag holds all data and other tags. Every tag must have matching end tag. For <HTML> tag we have end matching tag as </HTML>. In between these two tag we have used-
<HEAD> For documentation section
<TITLE> Contains in <TITLE> will appear on title bar of browser
<BODY> Contains actual data that will be displayed on browser.

After writing this code in Notepad or Bracket save file with .html extension. For example valid name of file might be test.html and open the page on browser. You will get Welcome to my first web page on browser.